• Kurzemes prospekts 106
  • armikus@gmail.com
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    There is an opinion that frozen Aquapel, that is, either stored for some time, or visited, at least briefly, but at a temperature below 0 degrees, after application on glass will not be the same at all; the anti-rain effect may have a significantly shorter duration of validity .

    A message about this can be seen even on the so-called official website in Russia, which, upon detailed analysis, only considers itself as such (official). In addition, on the Internet you can find many forums with messages that frozen Aquapel can be considered defective. But, for some reason, all mentions of this can only be found on Russian-language forums... There are no such messages anywhere else. Until recently, we were guided by a similar warning - we did not send the goods by mail in the winter, since during delivery Aquapel could have been, at least for a short time, in conditions below zero degrees.
    To get answers and put an end to this issue we conducted experiments. 

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    Experiment one. We opened one Aquapel capsule, cut off the felt and removed the glass flask from the inside. The flask is made of glass and completely sealed.

    Aquapel-original-inside-capsule-applicator< /p>


    Then, we placed the flask in the freezer of the refrigerator and kept it there for 3 days at a temperature of -18 degrees. The liquid inside did not freeze at this temperature. Next, this flask was again placed in the applicator body and a sponge was tied with a colorless thread. In order for the experiment to be clean, the sponge was not glued so that glue particles would not get into the composition. Then it was applied to the windshield and front side windows of a car that had never used Aquapel. Aquapel was applied to the rear side and rear windows, which was not frozen, so that in the future it would be possible to compare the durability of the effect on the same car, operated under the same conditions. Six months later, the effect was absolutely the same on all glasses! That is, frozen Aquapel is no different from one that was kept warm!

    Second experiment. Aquapel was applied to one of the office windows at a temperature of +3 degrees and high outdoor humidity. The next day the window was doused with water and the anti-rain effect was zero. Aquapel must be applied strictly following the specified technology - only at temperatures above +10 degrees and low humidity.

    To get comprehensive answers to all questions, we turned directly to the company that patented the formula of the original Aquapel - Pittsburgh Glass Works LLC (PPG Industries - distributor of Aquapel with equity participation), from which we received an answer and complete specifications for the product with the trademark Aquapel Safety data sheet. They also heard about the so-called frozen Aquapel, but they see absolutely no problems with storage at temperatures below zero. From the official specification you can see that the freezing point of Aquapel (crystallization) is -77 degrees Celsius or -106.6 °F, but even after reaching this temperature, which is not found in nature, after use under normal conditions, Aquapel does not lose its properties. Aquapel is a stable fluoropolymer and reacts only in air for 15 minutes.

    Previously, we purchased Aquapel from intermediaries from Europe, but then the quality of the product decreased and it became clear that they began to supply us with counterfeits. Once we applied Aquapel to a recently purchased car and the anti-rain effect was barely noticeable after a couple of weeks. They applied it again, but the result was the same. They already thought that something was wrong with the glass. Then, we ordered a trial batch directly from the manufacturer and everything fell into place. Also, regular customers began to note that the 2 capsules purchased to treat all car windows had a non-uniform effect. Half of the glasses had a long-term effect, and the other half had a weak effect. There was poor quality control during production, which a famous brand can hardly afford. Since 2016, we began to purchase Aquapel only from the manufacturer PPG Industries directly, no longer worrying about quality, which always remains unchanged and durable, because we not only sell Aquapel to customers throughout the Baltics, but also use it ourselves, despite the fact that that its cost has become higher.

    And again, returning to the topic of frozen Aquapel. There is only one conclusion - if we are talking about a possible problem with a low-quality product due to its storage at sub-zero temperatures, this is just an attempt to pass off a high-quality counterfeit of the original product in order to further justify the fragility of the coating.

    In addition, from personal experience we noticed that the durability of the Aquapel coating in winter is a little faster  decreases on exterior mirror glass and rear window, where heating is frequently used and the surface is exposed to sudden temperature changes.

    The original Aquapel, even 2-6 months after application, has a pronounced anti-rain effect, after which there is a gradual decrease in the effect, but visible, even after 2 years, in comparison with untreated glass.


    Purchase and payment

    No registration is required to make purchases in the Aquapel.lv online store.

    How not to buy a fake Aquapel

    Due to its high cost, Aquapel has attracted the attention of Chinese replica manufacturers.

    Scope of application of Aquapel

    The area or scope of application of Aquapel, although limited to a simple formula: glass - water - better visibility, also has its own versatility.

    Composition of Aquapel

    Most anti-rain products, from the cheap Turtle Wax to the expensive RainX, are a composition based on silicone, wax and white spirit.

    Removing Aquapel coating from car windows

    The original Aquapel is the most durable coating for car windows with an anti-rain effect.

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